
Saturday 14 January 2017

OasEksplorasi Day 5

I woke up earlier than the alarm today :) and I prepared my pack. It was this morning that I just realized that my pencil case was missing. I tried to look around the house for it, among the girls' things on the floor, in Gatotkaca, but it wasn't there. It was then I just realized that it was missing, and I either left it in the market or in Rumah Ketela. After the girls woke up I asked them if they'd seen my pencil case, but non of them did. Well, I didn't really remember the way to the market, nor to Rumah Ketela, so I just accepted it and got ready.

I ate breakfast and made sure that nothing was left behind in the room, tidied it up, and at this time I "lost" my Ceriping gelombang :(. So Adinda and me were discussing about how to, well, in my point of view was how to bring the Ceriping that we bought in an easier way, but maybe in Adinda's view it's how to give the Ceriping to our host in a nice way together with the bag that I bought in which Adinda and Yla painted among those 3 days that we stay in Dusun Maitan. We thought that the other was thinking the same. My plan was to put the Ceriping into the unused bag (the bag that they hadn't painted on, for the one in Dusun Palbapang). Adinda's plan was to put it in the painted bag. Well, in the end when we're about to leave, my Ceriping was in the painted bag, and if I asked for the Ceriping......

Well, it's another "loss" :). But anyway, my family  rarely ate chips, because we considered it unhealthy (especially when I bought a lot. My plan was 1/4 for me and 1/4 for my family, and I ate none). So well....

After we all had metup in Gatotkoco, our mentors were to take our photos with our hosts. Actually the girls didn't plan on taking a photo with our host, but as everyone did it...... We were the last to take though.

Overalll my experience in Dusun Maitan is OK, the only thing that I have to get used to was the crouching toilet and eating the really spicy vegetable. I couldn't handle the vegetables served by every host that I went to, but I didn't dare say/complain anything about it, because that's what I got from every host, so it's like their local food. So if I complain, I thought that it would be like, "insulting" them. But then I was told by my mentors that it's okay to complain that the vegetabls are too spicy.  

After the photo session the Andongs arrived, we were all still waiting for the (always late) Zaky and Ceca who stayed in one Homestay.

We rode the Andong and then walked to Terminal Borobudur. We then rode the bus to Jombor, from Halte Jombor we then took the Transjogja to SMA 7.

In Transjogja, a funny event happened. Ceca was debating with a man. I didn't know how he looked like because I sat rather far from where the funny event happened, but from my friends' description, he looked like a person from an institute. This was what happened (translated to English):

Man: Which school are you from?
C: Oh, we're homeschooled Sir.
Man: If I were Indonesia's president, I would make Homeschooling illegal!
C: Why sir?
Man: Why homeschool when you'll try to get a certificate in the end?
C: Because we're forced to Sir.
Man: You can have a lot of friends in school.
C: As school students you only have limited friends, while homeschooled children could make lots and lots of friends.
Man: School kids can find friends in the holidays.
C: For homeschoolers, holiday is everyday!

And then the man changed the topic. Yudhis, who sat near them, was already putting a sour look. He couldn't bare listening to the conversation :D. Too bad I was sitting far away from them.

We reached Desa Palbapang with a local bus. A woman who sat next to me asked where we were heading and we said Desa Palbapang. She said in a rude tone that we already passed Desa Palbapang. I don't like people like that so I just kept silent after answering a few of her remarks.

We met 2 old women when we were dropped outside Dusun Ngringinan, where we were going to stay. They were from Dusun Ngringinan, and were actually on their way home from the market. Yudhis offered to carry her bag at that time. He thought that it would be light, seeing that she's an old woman. When he tried to carry it, he said it was soo heavy, it's unbelievable that the old woman could carry that much. Yudhis finally took turns with Zaky and Yla when carrying the bag.

One of the old woman.

The old women led and directed us to our respective homestays. Some of the boys' homestay were changed because of certain reasons. We girls stayed together with our mentors in Bu Gun's house. But before we went to our homestays, we all went to Bu Cicil's house, a tempe maker. We were given refreshments, and all of them were organic and handmade, or just plain fruit.

I thought at first that the peanuts were the fried/baked ones, but this one was steamed, so it's soft. It's delicious though, but it's new for me. The purple liquid that you see was actually boiled Telang flower mixed with lime. If you don't mix it with lime, the colour would be blue. It's purple if mixed with lime. Nice though!

We all relaxed (I fixed my broken strap) ourselves because the walk we had just now was so tiring. We also just knew that Bu Cicil's husband's name was Pak Gun, there were a lot of people named Gun there, that's why when the girls said we're going to Pak Gun's house, the old woman became confused. And I think she directed us to Bu Cicil's house too. We relaxed until the bike that we ordered came. We were then allowed to go to our respective homestay and agreed to meetup in Bu Gun's house (where the girls and mentors stayed. We made it as basecamp).We were also allowed to bike around and explore around before the meetup. 

Before the meetup, we helped peel Bu Gun's Hibrid corn, which were mainly there for the chicken's food.

 After the meetup, we then decided to visit the reservoir, but most of us took the wrong way and only Zaky and Kaysan made it into the reservoir. The rest of us went to the dove training place, where they trained the doves for a racing competition, by letting the male flew to a chosen place, then called to go back by holding (more like trapping) a female one. So it's like the male flies back as fast as he could to "save" the female. Even though we didn't go to the reservoir, the scenery was just so beautiful, I wished I had brought my camera. 

After that we went back to our homestays to have dinner then meetup in Bu Gun's house to write our logbooks. I noticed that there's 52k missing from my money, and so I was helped by Kak Kukuh to count. Zaky and me were still doing our logbooks, while the others that had done their logbook played Werewolf, including Kak Inu and Kak Melly. I really wanted to play too, so I ended the discusion quickly (the conclusion from the discussion with Kak Kukuh was that 52k was missing) and in the end everyone played. 

After playing werewolf, our mentors said that they had a surprise for us, that's why they let us had a great time first. I thought it was something really special. Well, the surprise was that our groups were changed. Here are the new groups:

Group 1: Yudhis, Andro, Ceca
Group 2: Kaysan, Zaky, Fattah
Group 3: Yla, Donna, Adinda

My reaction was just usual, because I'm sleepy :)

P.S. We saw fireflies there too which made us look like kids who'd never seen fireflies before :p.

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